Ceramic Review Issue 327
Ceramic Review Issue 327
Ceramic Review Issue 327
Ceramic Review Issue 327
Ceramic Review Issue 327
Ceramic Review Issue 327

Ceramic Review Issue 327

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News: Our round-up of key stories from the world of ceramics


The Dance Of Maker And Material - Natalie Baerselman

Rachel Grimshaw sculpts ceramic forms that defy the nature of the material. Natalie Baerselman le Gros finds out more

CR’s pick of the crop of current ceramic exhibitions

Review: Material Conversation - Beth Williamson

Beth Williamson reviews In the making, a solo exhibition at MIMA surveying 50 years of work by the acclaimed artist Jacqueline Poncelet

Potters On Pots:- Anne Butler

Anne Butler reflects on technologies made obsolete through the passage of time and how these relics of the past have inspired her latest pieces


Clay Meets Code - Elena Howard

Elena Howard discusses the creative fusion of ceramics and artificial intelligence

Profile: Sculptural Narratives - Annie Le Santo

Self-taught sculptor Xanthe Somers creates vibrant vessels that draw inspiration from Zimbabwean postcolonial culture. In discussion with Annie Le Santo, she explores the undercurrents behind her brightly coloured work


For The Love Of Pots - Andre Hess

Andre Hess delves into the world of collecting and discusses the diverse personalities behind what drives

people to collect ceramics

Potter's Secrets:- Tim Andrews

Tim Andrews reveals the influences behind his work and the techniques he uses to create one of his raku-fired lidded pots


Democratic Ceramics - Jane Audas

From sanitaryware to saucers, Robin Levien has designed ceramics for companies worldwide. Jane Audas takes us behind the scenes of his studio

One To Watch: - Bert Jones

Bert Jones shares his joy in crafting elegant domestic ware and the art of functionality

Masterclass:- Ant Edmonds

Ant Edmonds shares the processes and techniques he and his wife Di use to create their Pueblo inspired pots
Glaze Recipe: - Matthew Blakely

Matthew Blakely embraces nature's surprises and shares discoveries from his elemental explorations, unveiling his Chun glaze recipe

Curator's Choice: - Tanya Martin

Tanya Martin, curator of the Stradling Collection in Bristol, has chosen The Goat by Margaret Hine