2025 Events Announced

25/01/24 - Film Stock Film Night - Teorema - SOLD OUT


We’re back! Join us for the first screening of Film Stock’s 2024 programme, held in our cellar on Thursday 25 January.

Teorema [Theorem] (1968) is a mystery. Banned on release, this hazy cloud of seductive satire helmed by outspoken Marxist painter, poet, and filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini gets denser and denser as it permeates the workings of the upper-middle class before turning them inside out. 

Each member of a rich family has a life changing encounter with an enigmatic stranger visiting their mansion, causing each to re-evaluate their lives (to put it lightly). At once a subtle existential riddle and a powerful polemic statement, Theorem is a cinematic shockwave whose influence can still be seen to this day. 

Ticket price includes a free drink on the night! Get yours here.

Please note, we've moved the film to begin at the slightly earlier time of 7. Doors from 6.

Once again, this has sold out. To get on the reserve list please email info@raremags.co.uk