Podcast - Anna Sulan Masing And Jess White - Chinese And Any Other Asian - 13/2/25

Anna Sulan Masing, the extremely prolific writer, poet, academic, magazine editor, podcast host came to Stockport to celebrate her new book - Chinese And Any Other Asian.

Listen to Anna Sulan Masing and Jess White talk all about the book, race, food, colonisation, publishing and gender, then head to our website and buy a signed copy.

'On many forms in the UK where ethnicity needs to be ticked, the space for East and South East Asia is 'Chinese’ or ‘Any Other Asian'. This represents a shameful sweeping together of a vastly varied heritage and experience. ESEA people have lived and worked in the UK for centuries, and yet this influence is often overlooked, and even ignored.

The same goes for the unique form of racism experienced by people of ESEA heritage. ESEA women are exoticised and sexualised, Asian food is mocked as unhealthy and our restaurants as dirty, our culture is appropriated, we are assumed to be the nanny of our mixed-race children, and we were blamed for the Covid-19 pandemic.'

Anna Sulan is also the co-founder of SOURCED exploring our global food and drink systems; co-founder and editor-in-chief of Cheese magazine plus host of narrative podcast, Taste of Place by Whetstone Radio Collective, which explores the history of pepper.