In this collection of selected essays, including both published and original material, the author delves into historical phenomena such as 'Tulipmania' as allegories for the excesses and speculative bubbles of modern consumer culture or touches on the concept of 'ambient' aesthetics, a pervasive influence in the digital age where everything from music to fashion prioritises atmosphere over explicit structure or narrative.
The Milan-based writer argues that immersive environments and moods replace traditional artistic expression as markers of cultural relevance. Further, he criticises the romanticised image of the writer and intellectual and emphasises the role of 'street intellectuals' - thus organising a virtual reunion between Antonio Gramsci, Dr. Spock, Marshall McLuhan, and Tupac Shakur. And more…
Midcareer Writing offers a critique of how society constructs, commodifies and ultimately consumes cultural identities, suggesting that each generation, while unique, is inextricably linked to broader economic and cultural systems.
Including a Bonus Track. Sorry and thank you!"