2025 Events Announced

Roman Candle Issue 1
Roman Candle Issue 1
Roman Candle Issue 1
Roman Candle Issue 1

Roman Candle Issue 1

Regular price £8.00 Sale

Roman Candle is a magazine about photography, films and music. Issue 1 is 104 full-colour A5 pages, and features...

- An interview with Derrick Bostrom from the almighty Meat Puppets about the early days of the band and the realities of touring America in the 80s (featuring some unreal old fliers from Derrick’s archive).
- Some photos of the wonderful city of Berlin.
- A particularly long phone call with the legendary (but criminally under-appreciated) photographer Gaylord Herron, whose 1975 book, Vagabond, might just be the finest photo-book ever made.
- A quick article in praise of army surplus shops.
- A hearty two-part conversation with Bill Daniel (the man behind the amazing Who is Bozo Texino documentary) about film-making, photo-taking and… his new found love of picnic tables.
- And then some stuff about point-and-shoot cameras, old Toyotas and modern television.