Events This Weekend

Mishou Issue 3 - Weather
Mishou Issue 3 - Weather
Mishou Issue 3 - Weather
Mishou Issue 3 - Weather
Mishou Issue 3 - Weather

Mishou Issue 3 - Weather

Regular price £10.00 Sale

"This issue’s theme is inspired by weather. Weather is what is happening in the atmosphere, like rain, snow, sunshine, and thunder. The weather is different all around the world, but we all experience it! We can feel weather - the sun warming our skin, the wind coming through an open window. Some of us can see weather - the sky turning orange as the sun sets, a big white flash of lightning. Some of us can hear weather - thunder cracking, rain pitter-pattering on a rooftop, wind whistling.

Weather is very powerful, but in the same way it affects us, we can affect weather. The weather on our planet has already changed so much because of humans and we have to be careful about how we treat the Earth.

Weather makes our world go round! The sun and rain make flowers and food grow from the ground. The wind and tides carry sailboats across the ocean. We can build snow sculptures and make snow angels. Sometimes, I even think about my emotions as weather inside of my body.

In this issue we decided to focus on weather because there are so many different ways to explore it! Through art, science, poetry and more. On page 31 you can follow steps to draw a snowflake, and on page 33 are instructions to make your own wind chime. On pages 41-48 you can learn about Weather in Space, and read interviews with young Climate Change activists that might even be your age!"

Mishou aims to validate children's identities as individuals and artists, and encourage intergenerational engagement through the arts. 50% of each issue is donated to schools and non-profit organizations centered around early childhood arts education.