2025 Events Announced

Not Dead or Famous Enough Yet
Not Dead or Famous Enough Yet
Not Dead or Famous Enough Yet
Not Dead or Famous Enough Yet
Not Dead or Famous Enough Yet
Not Dead or Famous Enough Yet
Not Dead or Famous Enough Yet
Not Dead or Famous Enough Yet

Not Dead or Famous Enough Yet

Regular price £30.00 Sale

Well now, here's one for you, the DR.ME compendium. Think of it as the absolute ultimate Beano annual, melded seamlessly with the absolute ultimate Dandy annual, melded with every Peanuts annual ever, but shiny, with everything the international design corporation that is them have ever put out. 

"An unparalleled & in-depth artefact of studio projects from the first 10 years of DR.ME studio spanning 560 pages featuring every project we have ever worked on including work for Mick JaggerThe TateDomino RecordsTri Angle, Riposte Magazine, Thames & Hudson & Universal. Alongside never before seen posters, record sleeves, identities, books, personal projects & more. Rare behind the scenes photography, exhibitions the studio has both curated and created work for around the world, anecdotes, insights and stories of how certain projects came to pass, rejected and killed work, the definitive DR.ME journey from 2010—2020 all in one place for the first time."