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Sidetracked Issue 32
Sidetracked Issue 32
Sidetracked Issue 32
Sidetracked Issue 32
Sidetracked Issue 32
Sidetracked Issue 32
Sidetracked Issue 32
Sidetracked Issue 32

Sidetracked Issue 32

Regular price £12.00 Sale

Issue 32: Resilience, Truth, Curiosity

In this volume of Sidetracked, we illuminate journeys undertaken by people who are seeking more than just adventure. Resilience meets truth and curiosity. When we move beyond narratives of discovery and conquest, something special happens: we learn, are engaged and present, create room within ourselves to grow.

In 'Simple Choices', Alba Xandri and Ricard Calmet outrun storms on the Mongolian steppe. 'Dragon Heart' tells the story of Julia Cassou on the Arctic Mirror Wall, reflecting on the fine balance between safety, success, and the 'poetry and reverie' of adventure. Kayla Heidenreich learns about Traditional Knowledge in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and Michal Lukaszewicz confronts his own motivations for journeying deep into the rainforest of Papua New Guinea.

Adventure at its best is about asking questions, telling the truth, and seeking a more resilient future – for ourselves and the world around us.