2025 Events Announced

The Great Discontent Issue 05
The Great Discontent Issue 05
The Great Discontent Issue 05
The Great Discontent Issue 05
The Great Discontent Issue 05
The Great Discontent Issue 05
The Great Discontent Issue 05

The Great Discontent Issue 05

Regular price £17.00 Sale

TGD's fifth issue features a dynamic group of 15 creators who are deeply committed to addressing systematic challenges in their communities through creativity and emerging ideologies.

Issue Five features: Kamilah Rashied / Monica Ahanonu / PJ Vegas / Sofía Gallisá Muriente / Giorgia Lupi / Demar Matthews / Micheal Two Bulls / Jordan Wong / Lucy McRae / Tony Whlgn® / Carly Ayres / Rick Garzon / Zykera Tucker / Meena Khalili and Sheharazad Fleming